
The Croatian Point of Inaccessibility can be found at the following coordinates
- Latitude: 45° 46.9747‘N
- Longitude: 16° 29.8791‘E
These coordinates were calculated by Miso for Chris Brown in August 2022.
Mapped Location of Croatia Point of Inaccessibility
The Croatian POI is found in a small village called Mostari around 55km East of Zagreb. It is easily accessed by car along the E70 and Ž3041. The exact point lies in the back garden of a private residence, but you can get pretty close by walking around 50m down a small farm track.
Journey to the Croatia Point of Inaccessibility
The Point of Inaccessibility for Croatia is is easy to access by anyone with a car – any car. But before driving to the POI in a regular hire car, we decided to take a bit of a detour and visit Rimac, the electric vehicle manufacturer with its headquarters in Zagreb. They produce the fastest (at the time) production road car ever made – the Rimac Nevera, which gets to 60 mph in just 1.74 seconds!

We were guests of Rimac on their ‘Home of Rimac Experience’ tour, where we were shown almost every aspect of their ultra-modern facilities for producing the Nevera. Of course, the biggest treat was getting a test drive in the vehicle both on the road and on the test track.
Amazing is all I can say.
Getting to the Croatian Point
After such an experience, ANY car would feel slow and unexciting, but our hire car , which wasn’t bad btw, felt more like a sit-on lawnmower.

The drive took around 70 minutes before we reached the small village of Mostari. Parking up on the side of the road, we could tell from the Garmin that the exact Point of Inaccessibility for Croatia lay in the back garden of a private residence.
However, by the side was a small farm track leading to fields further behind the house. Although the track was probably part of the farm, it was definitely used by vehicles so we thought it wouldn’t damage anything to take a walk along it and get a bit closer to the pole.
But as soon as we set foot on the track a very large Alsatian Guard Dog appeared from the farm on the left of the track. Uh, oh!
All visions of losing our legs were soon dispelled though, as he turned out to be really friendly – useless as a guard dog, but great company for the last few metres of the expedition.

Just down the track we got as close as we could to the POI, around XX metres from the exact Point.
Visited by: Chris Brown, Mika Brown and Lewis Ellis
Date of Visit: 27th June, 2023
Coordinates Achieved: 45° 46.9706’N, 16° 29.8827’E
Distance from Pole: 9 metres/29 feet
Weather: 25 Celsius/77 Fahrenheit. Some cloud.

Is this the middle of Greece?
A lot of the fun in visiting Points of Inaccessibility are the people that you meet along the way. In this case it was the many people at Rimac. But we also brought along our own connection to the location in the form of marketing consultant, Lewis Ellis.
Lewis is, perhaps, best known for his gaff on the TV show Apprentice. In the semi-final he had to present his business idea to Lord Sugar’s henchmen. One of them picked up on the fact Lewis was going to start his travel company with trips to Croatia and asked him to identify Croatia on a globe.
This was the results: