
The Serbian Point of Inaccessibility can be found at the following coordinates
- Latitude: 44° 05.7686’N
- Longitude: 20° 45.9288‘E
These coordinates were calculated by Miso for Chris Brown in August 2022.
Mapped Location of Serbian Point of Inaccessibility
The POI for Serbia, which makes it the most-Serbian point in Srbija, is adjacent to an Othodox church and cemetery, near the village of Pajazitovo in the municipality of Aerodrom. It lies approximately 105km South of the capital, Belgrade.
Journey to the Serbian Point of Inaccessibility
Driving to the Point of Inaccessibility for Serbia from the capital, Belgrade, will take you approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes. However, we were on a much bigger trip around the Balkans and drove down from Ljubljana in Slovenia, through Zagreb in Croatia and down to Belgrade overnight, taking about 9 hours in total.
We did the final leg very early in the morning to try and avoid the numerous trucks, tractors and carts on the sometimes-very-narrow roads in Serbia down the E75 and Route 25.

The normal practice of using Google Maps to get into the vicinity led us to the wrong side of the valley in this instance, but it didn’t take us long to find a narrow track taking us closer to the GPS point on the Garmin (which is normally reserved for just the last few metres).
The Point of Inaccessibility turned out to be at the back of a cemetery attached to a pretty, little Orthodox church. Thankfully we could skirt the cemetery and access the fields behind fairly easily. However, those fields very soon gave away to trees.

The satellite imagery had led me to believe we’d just need to walk into some woods to get to the POI, but the brush was much denser than expected. And on this occasion, we hadn’t brought machetes or any tools to clear our way.

about 200m into these trees
We pushed into the brush as far as we could go, acquiring some pretty deep scratches, before declaring a halt to the expedition. We felt there was little to be gained by forcing through the last few metres and a lot of skin to be lost.

The GPS showed we were approximately 147m from the exact Serbian Point of Inaccessibility.
Visited by: Chris Brown and Mika Brown
Date of Visit: 29th June, 2023
Coordinates Achieved: 46° 01.2111’N, 14° 14.4167’E
Distance from Pole: 147 metres
Weather: 20 Celsius/68 Fahrenheit. Sun and clouds.