
The Liechtenstein Point of Inaccessibility lies in Steg, a village in the municipality of Triesenberg at an altitude of around 1500m. It is popular with hikers.
The exact location of the Liechtenstein POI is at:
- Latitude: 47° 6.959’ N
- Longitude: 9° 34.434’ W
- Distance from border: 2.50 miles
These coordinates were calculated by Miso for Chris Brown in July 2019.
Location of the Liechtenstein Point of Inaccessibility
This point is behind a chalet on a side road in Steg, an alpine resort. Anything beyond that is a little hard to describe, for reasons which are obvious from the picture (top).
Getting to the Liechtenstein Pole
Date Visited: 28th January, 2020
Visited by: Chris Brown
Weather: -4.5 Celsius/24 Fahrenheit. Blizzard conditions with 150kph gusts of wind.
Coordinates Achieved: 47° 6.838’ N, 9° 34.310’ W
Distance from Pole: Approximately 200m
The Liechtenstein POI was the second on a long road trip also taking in the French and Italian points.
The driving rain that I’d experienced earlier in the trip turned to snow as I ascended the winding road up towards Steg. The planned hiring of a 4×4 was paying dividends and luck dictated that I joined the road just two cars behind a snowplough.

As you get to Steg itself you pass through a tunnel. And on the other side, my luck ran out. The mountain has been protecting me from 150kph winds howling around the car. Here’s my view of the road through the front windscreen…

Staying within the car, I got as close as I could to the POI and for once in my life let good sense over-rule the appetite of adventure. I didn’t have full cold weather gear with me, the visibility was down to around 5m when the wind gusted and, perhaps just as importantly, nobody knew exactly what I was intending to do.

Realistically this made no difference. Other than the satisfaction of achieving the exact POI, one patch of snow in Steg looks pretty much like another in such conditions. So, my adventure came up approximately 200m short.
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